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Detailed explanation of testing parameters for 250B quartz crystal

  • Nov 08,2024


     The 250B tester uses a π network testing system with high testing accuracy and a wide frequency range, which has become the standard testing system in the quartz crystal industry. It can test a variety of parameters, each representing a different meaning. Below is an explanation of each parameter for reference by relevant personnel.

1. Bin: Select a slot for the crystal during testing.
2. BT: Thickness of quartz frequency plate. The unit is expressed in millimeters.
3. C0: Static capacitance. For the same frequency point, its value is directly proportional to the electrode size design, expressed in units of PF.
4. C0/C1: The ratio of dynamic capacitance to static capacitance.
5. C1: Dynamic capacitance. The influencing factors are similar to static capacitance. The unit is represented by fF.
6. CL: Relative to the load capacitance at a specified frequency, expressed in units of PF. The frequency of testing varies depending on the load capacitance set for the same crystal, and the load capacitance must be specified during production or use.
7. DATE: The date of testing.
8. DFL: Frequency Pull, which refers to the difference in frequency between two specified load capacitance ranges. Units are generally expressed in PPM.
9. DLD1: MaxR/RR is the ratio of the maximum resistance measured within a specified excitation power range to the normal resonant resistance (with a special definition).

10. DLD2: The difference between the maximum and minimum resistance measured by MaxR MinR within the specified excitation power range. The unit is expressed in Ω.

11. DLD3: FirstR LastR is the difference in resistance between the first and last set power tests within a specified excitation power range, expressed in ohms.

12. DLD4: MaxR/RR is the ratio of the maximum impedance measured within the specified excitation power range to the normal resonant resistance.

13. DLD5: FirstR/LastR is the ratio of the resistance tested between the first set power and the last set power within a specified excitation power range (with a special definition).

14. DLD6: MaxR/MinR is the ratio of the maximum impedance to the minimum impedance measured within a specified excitation power range (with a special definition).

15. DLD7: (MaxR MinR/MaxR) * 100 is the percentage of the difference between the maximum impedance and the minimum impedance compared to the maximum impedance within the specified excitation power range.

16. DLDH: DLD Hysteresis MaxR/MinR is the ratio of the maximum impedance to the minimum impedance of hysteresis phenomenon within a specified excitation power range.

17. DLDHP: The ratio of the maximum impedance power to the minimum impedance power of hysteresis phenomenon within a specified excitation power range.

18. DLDH2: The difference between the maximum impedance and minimum impedance of hysteresis phenomenon within the specified excitation power range. The unit is expressed in Ω.

19. DLDH2P: The difference between the maximum impedance power and the minimum impedance power of hysteresis phenomenon within the specified excitation power range. The unit is expressed in μ W.

20. DLDF: The frequency at a specified excitation power within a specified excitation power range. The unit is expressed in PPM.

21. DLDP: The power output within a specified excitation power range at a specified excitation power, expressed in μ W.

22. DLDR: Impedance in ohms at a specified excitation power within a specified excitation power range.

23. FC: Divide the series resonant frequency FR by a specified number.

24. FDIF: FR-RAWFR or FL-RAWFR (based on first test), the difference between the series resonant frequency FR or load frequency FL and the displayed calibration frequency, expressed in PPM.

25. FDLD: MaxFR MinFR is the difference between the maximum and minimum FR within the specified excitation power range. The unit is expressed in PPM.

26. FDLDH: DLD Hysteresis MaxFR MinFR is the difference between the maximum and minimum series resonant frequencies FR of hysteresis phenomenon within the specified excitation power range. The unit is expressed in PPM.

27. FFM: Frequency near specific frequency refers to the difference between the reference frequency and the actual frequency

28. FL: FL@CL The resonant frequency at a specified load capacitance, expressed in PPM.

29. FLR: FL @ CL-FR is the difference between the frequency under the specified load capacitance condition and the series resonant frequency, expressed in PPM.

30. FR: Series resonant frequency (the resonant frequency of the crystal itself). The unit is expressed in PPM.

31. FRM: Refers to the impedance value at a specific resonant frequency. The unit is expressed in Ω.

32. FRR: FRM/RR refers to the ratio of the impedance value at a specific resonant frequency to the resonant resistance at normal power.

33. I: The current value flowing through a quartz crystal during resonance. The unit is expressed in μ A.

34. L: Dynamic inductance, expressed in mH.

35. LFR: Last FR is the FR value measured at the last power measurement within the specified excitation power range. The unit is expressed in PPM.

36. LRR: Last R is the RR value at the last power measurement within the specified excitation power range. The unit is expressed in Ω.

37. OT: Pantone.

38. PWR: The power flowing through a quartz crystal during resonance, expressed in mW.

39. Q: Quality factor, expressed in units of K.

40. RAWF: uncorrected resonant frequency.

41. REFCL: Load capacitance value at reference frequency. The unit is represented by PF.

42. REFFR: Reference series resonant frequency.

43. RFOUT: The output level of RF

44. RL: The impedance of the crystal at the resonant frequency of the load.

45. RLD: The difference between the maximum resistance value of DLD MaxR-RR within the specified excitation power range and the resistance value during general power measurement. The unit is expressed in Ω.

46. RLD2: The maximum resistance value of DLD MaxR within the specified excitation power range.

47. RLD3: The minimum resistance value of DLD MinR within the specified excitation power range.

48. RPP: The resistance value between two leads.

49. RR: Resonant resistor. The unit is expressed in Ω.

50. SP50: Within the specified frequency range, when measured with a 50 Ω test seat, the amplitude difference between the parasitic oscillation and the main oscillation point is expressed in dB.

51. SPDB: Within the specified frequency range, when measured with a 12.5 Ω test seat, the amplitude difference between parasitic oscillations and the main oscillation point is expressed in dB.

52. SPFL: Load parasitic oscillation frequency within the specified frequency range. The unit is expressed in PPM.

53. SPFR: Parasitic oscillation frequency within the specified frequency range. The unit is expressed in PPM.

54. SPRL: Maximum parasitic resistance at the resonant frequency of the load within the specified frequency range. The unit is expressed in Ω.

55. SPRR: SpurR/RR is the resistance ratio between the parasitic oscillation and the main oscillation scanned within a specified frequency range.

56. SPUR: The minimum parasitic oscillation resistance measured within a specified frequency range. The unit is expressed in Ω.

57. SSDB: The difference between the maximum peak of parasitic oscillation and the peak of the main oscillation point within a specified frequency range.

58. SSDLF: Spur Sweep Raw Frequency of the Local Max for SSDLT

59. SSDLT: Supur Sweep maximum of (local max - local min)

60. SSF: The uncorrected resonant frequency at the maximum moment of parasitic oscillation within a specified frequency range.

61. Status: Quartz crystal testing and judgment results.

62. TC: Time constant of crystal

63. TIME: The time at which the crystal was measured.

64. TS: The change in load frequency for every 1PF change in load capacitance. The unit is represented by PPM/PF.