As a technical resource, Genesis Crystal Technology, LLC never compromises the quality of the products we supply. Our company wide quality system is in accordance with the requirements under ISO 9001:2000. Initially, Genesis was a design firm specializing in precision frequency control devices such as TCXO and OCXO units. In short order Genesis identified the need of our customers for support with in the “microprocessor” grade crystal and oscillator arena. Genesis complimented its existing product line with a substantial offering of surface mount and through-hole devices and emerged as a reliable and competitive supplier. Our company philosophy dictates that quality is built in by design, not a parameter to be evaluated as an after thought. Genesis has made strategic investments in our production facilities, in both capital and raw materials, resulting in our ability to provide substantially reduced lead times across our product line. By combining our global production network with our domestic distribution centers, Genesis Crystal Technology, LLC provides a seamless path to quality frequency control devices at competitive prices. Quite simply, Genesis Crystal Technology, LLC views the relationship with our customers, employees, and suppliers as a partnership that requires mutual trust and open communication.